Wai`oli Hui`ia Church Mission Hall
Wai`oli Hui`ia Church’s historic Mission Hall suffered severe water damage during the flood of April 2018. Flood waters climbed to a foot high inside the Mission Hall and once they receded, a layer of mud was left everywhere. Consequently, the wood floor boards warped, buckled and even popped up in areas. Shioi Construction worked with Wai`oli Hui`ia to repair the damage using plans prepared by local architect Matt Schaller. Shioi removed the existing wood floor planks, which included removing a raised stage, and made significant repairs to the supporting joist structure. Thereafter, they laid plywood, followed by Tyvek moisture barrier, on top of the supports. The raised stage was rebuilt and approximately 2,500 square feet of new engineered wood floor boards were installed on top of the Tyvek to closely replicate the look of the original wood floors. Exterior doors and thresholds were modified, and finally, floor vents and installation of the mechanical ventilation system were installed. In appreciation of Wai`oli Hui`ia’s service to and care of the community, Shioi donated $18,000 of time and materials to this project.
The Wai`oli Hui`ia Church property is a part of the Wai`oli Mission district. Both the Wai`oli Church Sanctuary and Mission Hall are listed on the National Registry of Historic Buildings. Thus, flood repair plans were approved by the Kauai Planning Department and Kauai Historic Preservation Commission. Wai`oli’s Mission Hall is the oldest surviving church building on Kauai.
Over the years, the Mission Hall has been used for church and events, educational and Hawaiian culture workshops, school events and ceremonies, wedding and funeral receptions, church and community gatherings for rummage sales, arts and crafts fairs, parents’ respite care, after-school programs for elementary school children, weekly hula practices, crisis counseling and interventions, community private party events, and more.
“We are extremely grateful to Conrad Murashige and Shioi Construction for their commitment and dedication to the project from the very beginning, and especially for the financial help of the generous discount on the project,” said Susan Ferrell of Wai`oli Hui`ia Church. “Valmiki Davis and the construction crews were vigilant, thorough and respectful of the history. Wai`oli now has a durable, safe wood floor in the Mission Hall that will continue to be enjoyed for many decades by the local community.”