Lima Ola Permanently Supportive Housing - Eleele, Kauai
Shioi Construction Inc. (SCI) was contracted for the Lima Ola Permanently Supportive Housing project, which is modeled after the Kealaula Supportive Housing Project located on Pua Loke Street in Lihue. The supportive housing model is intended to provide low-cost rental housing to Kauai residents experiencing homelessness or who are at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Under this model, tenants receive on-site social services to assist them in getting back on their feet and prepare them to move to permanent housing. While tenancy in supportive housing is temporary, it also is not strictly time-limited as are traditional and "transitional" housing models.
Fourteen studio and 18 one-bedroom units ranging from 240 to 400 square feet were built. The project also included a community building with offices, a maintenance shop, and laundry facilities.
A combination of American Rescue Plan Act/State and Local Recovery Funds (ARPA/SLFRF), HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funds, and County housing development funds were utilized for the design/build of this project. This project was completed in August 2024.